I Had no idea scouting was a thing on this site, Newgrounds is my least successful website for art and now I know why.
I always felt like I was clueless about something on Newgrounds because my art would never breach 1000 views at all and it was very frustrating. Today I was in the labor of uploading old art here since the Brazilian ban on Twitter alerted me to put more effort on my secondary websites, and found out I had 3 unread scouting invites from 2019 in my account. I was unsure what they were, I probably brushed them as spam when I received them back then, Figures That all Newgrounds users are shadow banned from searches until they are successfully scouted????
Man what a dogshit system! like at that point is not better than Hentai-Foundry, but they at least review your art and tell you instead of keeping you using the website for years without knowing. Multiple of my colleagues were also clueless of this when I told them and are now giving up on working here because of how sour the feeling is of realizing we never were to accomplish something here and had no idea why.
The solution seems to get someone to post-mortem verify me, but all the resources i find mention how you shouldn't do that, which if true just rises how elitist the design of the Newgrounds experience is, impress the correct people get scouted and then scout your peers.. ugh
If this is erroneous, please correct me but how could you if my post don't appear ANYWHERE ANYWAYS. But this is about as much energy I am interested on putting on my own for this.
Gonna keep putting art here for archival purposes but man I wish this was talked more.
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience, but you need to realize that the scouting system is the only gate preventing the Art Portal from turning into deviantArt.
If your art is good enough, you will absolutely get scouted as there is always someone combing through the unscouted section every hour of the day. I agree that some aspects are not communicated in an optimal way, but you can still read up how the Art Portal works if you look through the Terms of Use.
Look at my art motherfucker, I can show you another 10 profesional artist in my circle that get nothing, your portal is a circlejerk of people who are already in the known is not about talent.